Address: | SZTAKI, H-1111 Budapest XI. Lágymányosi u. 11., Hungary |
Phone: | +36 1 279-6212 |
Fax: | +36 1 279-6200 |
E-mail: | laszlo.kovacs@sztaki.hu |
Member of DSD since 1994. 15. 11. |
Head of the Department of Distributed Systems of the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Head of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Hungarian Office.
Member of the Advisory Committee of W3C, the World Wide Web Consortium.
Founder (with Imre Weber) of the MTA SZTAKI World Wide Web Gallery.
Dr. Laszlo KOVACS, technical doctor in computer sciences, is the founder and head of the Department of Distributed Systems (DSD) at MTA SZTAKI, the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. During beginning of his career he has been involved in different projects in the areas of computer network protocol design, specification, verification and implementation. He taught years in different foreign universities and research establishments including the University of Montreal (Canada), University of Delaware (USA) and the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan (France). He is the member of the Advisory Committee of World Wide Web Consortium. He served as one of the Program Committee Chairs of the World Wide Web World Congress held in Budapest, in 2003, and was the General Chair of the 11th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries held in Budapest, in 2007. He is regular member of the steering and program committees of the ECDL / TPDL conference series and reviewer of EC and NSF.
Research and Development Interests
Pervasive Computing
self-awareness, pervasive systems, pervasive adaptation, context-awareness, P2P, peer-to-peer systems, information distribution, overlay networking, smart space, bio-inspired systems, mobile applications
Collaboration Support
collaborative knowledge management, groupware applications, social computing, CSCW, proactive project management
Semantic Web
semantic web service, ontology, RDF, RDFS, OWL, LLD (Library Linked Data), LOD (Linked Open Data), vocabularies, SKOS
Cloud computing
service composition, discovery, execution, SOA, service oriented architectures, SLA management
Digital Libraries
digital library architectures, semantic interoperability, digital library testing and evaluation, Dublin Core, OAI-PMH, metadata extraction, metadata registry, long-term preservation
Intelligent user interfaces
web 2.0, rich application interfaces, AJAX, accessibility, usability
Formal Description Techniques
Digital Art
Serious Interests
- "Ébredés egy ébredés után"
- Translator of the 'homepage' word
- Opening speeches
- Introduction to SZTAKIWeb (2006; in Hungarian)
- Opening of the www.civil.info.hu server (1999; in Hungarian)
- Introduction to SZTAKIWeb (1998; in Hungarian)
- Opening of the new design of SZTAKIWeb server (1996)
- CDs of classical (early) music
- The recorder. Look at my teacher.
- Photography. Recent Visits:
- Bilbao, Spain
- Tokyo, Japan
- Yokohama, Japan
- Bangkok, Thailand
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Midrand, South-Africa
- Aizu, Japan
- Hungarian cuisine