Address: | MTA SZTAKI, H-1111 Budapest XI. Lágymányosi u. 11. |
Phone: | +36 1 279-6269 |
Fax: | +36 1 279-6200 |
E-mail: | Mate.Pataki@sztaki.hu |
Member: 2002. 01. 09. to 2014. 30. 06. |
- Budapest University of Technology and Economic Sciences (1997 - 2002)
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
- University studies of 5 years (Masters level), containing Research Component. Title of Masters Thesis: Chunking and Compression of Text Documents.
- Specializations: Electrical Engineering, Application and Network Technologies of Computers, Software Technology
- Monash University Melbourne (10th semester, 2002)
- School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
- Research cooperation, I spent the last semester of my university studies in Melbourne, working on the MatchDetectReveal project, with scholarship from Monash University, supervisor: Dr. Arkady Zaslavsky.
- Karlsruhe University (5th semester, 1999 - 2000)
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- A semester in Germany, with Scholarship from DAAD.
Primary Areas of Professional Interest
- Text processing, similarity and plagiarism search, database cleaning
- Language technologies
- Distributed systems
- P2P Groupware applications
- Distributed digital archives and libraries
- W3C WCAG – accessible website development and testing
Spoken Languages
- Hungarian (mother tongue)
- German (fluent)
- English (advanced, Total Score of 263 on the C.B. TOEFL)
- French (basic)