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This section contains our press releases and our appearances in different media.


This section contains the posters and flyers we have presented so far about our projects and the department, at different exhibitions.


We provide Hungary's most popular on-line English-Hungarian dictionary. We provide a web-based voting service. For other internet applications and details, look inside this subsection.

Scientific Conferences and Workshops

The Department of Distributed Systems has hosted, or participated in the organization of, several scientific conferences and workshops. Look inside this section to see a list of these events.


We have created homepages for several institutes including ones of the Hungarian governmental sphere. We also provided maintenance service for these sites. The maintenance service was accomplished using a workflow application developed in-house, that ensures quick response to maintenance requests.

Scientific Visualization

In the framework of the visualization project of the motion of human leg a 3D animation of the human leg bones during a single step was developed. The sequence demonstrates the behavior of the bones, including some important scientific discoveries, e.g. a mechanism that makes the skeletal structure more stable during a critical phase. Another project built a complete virtual reality (VRML) model of one of the stations of the planned 4th underground metro line in Budapest. The 3D model was based on an engineering 2D plan.

Digital Art Projects

DSD was one of the very first laboratories in this country that offered a large scope for the collaboration between artists and IT researchers. Several successful digital artistic projects were carried out using different World Wide Web technologies (JAVA, VRML, etc.). A Web-based on-line gallery was established. Art pieces developed here were shown in national and international exhibitions for digital art. Members of the department helped in the birth of the surprisingly stable wings of the completeness of the objective reality changing continually in the details, frozen into bits.