The Department of Distributed Systems has participated in the following EC funded and other projects as research and development partner:
On-going Projects
- GOBLIN - CA23147: Global Network on Large-Scale, Cross-domain and Multilingual Open Knowledge Graphs
- FAIR-IMPACT / EOSC ARP PID: FAIR-IMPACT / Creating EOSC compliant Persistent Identifier (PID) policies in ARP data repository
- FAIR-IMPACT / RO-Crate: FAIR-IMPACT / RO-Crate for content/metadata discovery and consumption
- W3C-HU: World Wide Web Consortium Hungarian Office
- ARP: ELKH Data Repository project
- Bosch Knowledge Graph project: Bosch Knowledge Graph project
- MILAB: Sociology Text Explorer (subproject of AI National Laboratory)
- iToBoS: Intelligent Total Body Scanner for Early Detection of Melanoma
Past Projects
- DKG: Distributed Knowledge Graphs
- CONCORDA: Concentrated Cooperation on Research Data
- DIWAS: Digital Work Assitant
- DBK: TEI XML Editing Framework for Digital Humanities
- MTMT2: Hungarian Scientific Bibliography 2.0 development
- COURAGE: Cultural Opposition – Understanding the CultuRal HeritAGE of Dissent in the Former Socialist Countries
- SZTAKIMemory: SZTAKIMemory - Non Deletable Digital Archive System as Institutional Memory
- Share-PSI 2.0: Shared Standards for Open Data and Public Sector Information
- Chaoster: Context-aware collaboration platform for crisis/chaos management based on the concept of emergent interoperability
- TolmacsKesztyu: InterpreterGlove
- BonFIRE: Building service testbeds on FIRE
- VISIONAIR: VISION Advanced Infrastructure for Research
- ChaosFIRE: ChaosFIRE - Fed4Fire Innovative Experiment for Measuring Effectiveness of an Opportunistic Network Platform for Sensor Data Collection and Distribution
- MunkaPad: Integrated eScience platform based on LOD
- NextGeneration: The next generation of scientific journals
- DONAU: RICOH-SZTAKI collaboration
- SZTAKI Dictionary 4.0: SZTAKI Dictionary's major rewrite
- KOPI-Trans: Translational plagiarism
- CrossMedia: CrossMedia Semantic Annotation and Search service
- CloudBricks EU FP7 proposal preparation: CloudBricks - Simplifying Cloud-usage and expanding its availability with a building-block-style approach - EU FP7 proposal preparation
- S-CUBE: European Network of Excellence in Software Services and Systems
- N-Cloud: Nuance-SZTAKI cooperation
- BREIN: Business objective driven reliable and intelligent Grids for real business
- T-ONE: Methodology for ergonomic web development and design
- ILI: Intelligent Visitor Guidance
- ABILITIES: Application Bus for InteroperabiLITy In enlarged Europe SMEs
- DELOS NoE: DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries
- Meta-contentum: META-CONTENTUM R&D Project
- INFRAWEBS: Intelligent Framework for Generating Open (Adaptable) Development Platforms for Web-Service Enabled Applications Using Semantic Web Technologies, Distributed Decision Support Units and Multi-Agent-Systems
- MIK: MIK 3.1.2. Service and Application Development for Mobile systems
- ORG: National Cancer Registry GRID
- T-SOA: Concurrent Transaction Handling in Service Oriented Architectures
- T-Intra: Hungarian Telekom Intranet Forum System
- GeneSyS: Generic Systems Supervision
- MOVOT: Modernization Of Electronic Voting Procedures
- EUTIST-AMI: European Take-Up of Essential Information Society Technologies
- StreamOnTheFly: Personalized Community Radio Program with Collaborative Filtering Agents and Bandwidth Sensitive Streaming
- PublicVoiceXML: VoiceXML Trial for an Open Source Reference Implementation
- Kaposvar: Demand Driven Information Tools for E-Administration
- HEKTAR: Applying open digital library recommandations to Hungarian electronic libraries.
- KOPI: KOPI Online Plagiarism Search and Information Portal
- PROMOCIO: Proactive Multimodal Collaboration and Monitoring Platform for Independent Organizations
- Cogitatio: Decision Support Based on Argument Mapping
- Web4Groups: Transfer of Knowledge between Research, Education, Business and Public Administration through the World Wide Web
- DELOS NoE FP5: DELOS Network of Excellence
- SELECT: Metadata Architecture for Rating, Filtering & Recommender Services
- CORES: A Forum on Shared Metadata Vocabularies
- AQUA: Advanced Query User Interface Architecture
- KNIXMAS: Knowledge Shared XPS-based Research Network Using Multi-Agent Systems
- VASIE: Value Added Software Information for Europe